Hot 19 yr old suffers a category 5 Hogtied suspension. Isis Love make her cum over and over

Live Show Mondays brings you part 3 of 4 of the September live show that featured Iona Grace and sexy co-top Isis Love.

Iona is put in yet another brutal Category 5 hogtied suspension. This girl is one of the toughest we have ever worked with when it comes to taking tight, punishing bondage. All the tying is live and you get to see how we do everything. No edits.

With her elbows tightly wrapped behind and her huge breasts cruelly bound, we Hogtied our little 19 yr old in one of the strictest ties you can do to a person. The we suspend her by just her elbows and ankles. Isis Love makes this little bondage whore cum and cum again. How mush more can this girl take?
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