Pissing 1

Welcome to Pissing.com, where the hottest ladies in the industry get showered with warm piss under the able direction of porn star Isis Love. Watch hot babes get off on bathing in warm piss, drinking mouthfuls of it, and sharing their filthiest golden shower fantasies. As our very first update, check out this gem from Isis in which she discovers that the world famous squirter Flower Tucci is also a piss freak! Says Isis: "So today I ran into Flower, who has a beautiful face and a smoking hot body. After a little chat she decides to show me what really turns her on. She takes off her clothes and starts pissing on herself!! When Mike walks in things get really wet. He pisses all over her sexy body!! She started sucking the pee right out of his hard cock!! She was soaked in his warm piss. It was all over her tits, her ass, her pussy, her face. He even pisses in her mouth. Flower loves golden showers and she really loves drinking hot piss." Check back regularly for the best in dirty, wet pissing porn from Kink.com.
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